Tympanic Membrane

What is Tympanic Membrane?

Tympanic membrane is also known as eardrum. It is a structure that makes up the middle ear. It is characterized by a thin cone-shaped membrane of pearly gray in color and is translucent. Eardrum can be found lying at the end of the external auditory canal and marks the lateral limits of the middle ear.

Ischemia - Definition and Types (cardiac or myocardial, cerebral, limb, intestinal)

Ischemia Definition

Ischemia is the result when there is inadequacy in blood flow causing an insufficiency in oxygen and nutrient that is vital for cellular metabolism due to restriction in blood supply. Restriction in blood supply brought subsequent damage or dysfunction to tissues. Ischemia is said to be due to blood vessels problem.

Retinitis Pigmentosa - Pictures, Symptoms, Cure (Treatment)

What is Retinitis Pigmentosa?

Retinitis pigmentosa is an eye disease resulting from damage to the retina characterized by progressive loss of peripheral vision and night blindness and may lead to incurable blindness. It is a type of progressive retinal dystrophy and is a group of inherited disorders.

What is Choroideremia - Genetics, Diagnosis and Clinical trials

What is Choroideremia?

Choroideremia is a rare inherited disorder of X link recessive retinal disease prevalent in males and is rare among females. The disorder is characterized by progressive loss of vision as a result of choroid and retina degeneration.

Microcephaly - Definition, Pictures, Life expectancy and Prognosis

What is Microcephaly?

Definition : Microcephaly basically means a neurological condition that involves brain size, which is smaller than normal. This is a rare condition that may be due to underdevelopment experienced when one was still a fetus or after birth. This condition has a variety of causes and that includes genetics and probable environmental factors.


What is Lagophthalmos?

Lagophthalmos is a form of facial paralysis affecting the obicularis muscle in the eyelid and is characterized as the inability to fully or completely close the eyelids. This condition usually affects one side of the face only.

Constant exposure of the eyelid to the drying effects of the environment due to the inability to completely close the eyelid can lead to ulceration of the cornea or may result to corneal inflammation and scarring.

What is Pterygium (eye) - Definition, Treatment (Surgery)

The eye is a very important part of the body, without the eye we will not be able to see the world and moving around without sight is very difficult.

However, there are some diseases that are unavoidable. Straining our eyes could lead to some diseases like Pterygium.