
Lymphocele Definition

Lymphocele is basically an adverse result of a surgical operation that involves the lymphatic tissue. The process involves an injury to the lymphatic vessels and with that, leakage of the lymph occurs resulting to swellings.

This can also be identified as collection or accumulation of lymphatic fluid following a surgical intervention. There are instances where a surgical procedure is not involved, for an injury or trauma can also be a source of such condition.

Lymphocele Causes

There are various causes of the formation of a lymphocele. The following are the proposed causes of such condition:
  1. Medical procedure: Renal transplant. This is a major surgical intervention that is very delicate and would require for an intensive peri- or postoperative care. This can cause for the development of a lymphocele as this involves surgical cutting and replacement. The chances of lymphocele formation are highly anticipated by the surgeon. As the risk is underway, the surgeon makes careful actions to avoid such complication.
  2. Medical procedure: Radical Hysterectomy. This is a gynecological or OB procedure that involves removal of the uterus. As this is indicated to patients with uterine problems such as cancer and cystic formations, the removal is highly suggested. Again, the doctor shall take all the precautions in order to avoid such malady.
  3. Medical procedure: Thoracic surgery. This is the surgical operation involving the chest. The development is likely when there is involvement of the mediastinum or any form of trauma in the chest area. The removal of the breast or mastectomy can cause such condition if not properly managed.
  4. Blunt trauma. This is the indirect injury to the e.g. chest, abdomen and such that the development of lymphocele may be likely. A motor vehicle accident can cause such for there the crushing has the tendency to result to development of a lymphocele.

Lymphocele Pictures/ Images

      lymphocele on penile shaft pictures

Lymphocele Symptoms

The lymphocele symptoms would vary on the area of affectation. Here are the following presentations of lymphocele:
  1. Fistula formation is likely to occur. The area affected will have the lymphatic drainage that shall contain a soft cyst which is fluid-filled. This may occur from the day of the operation or for about days and even months after the procedure.
  2. Abdominal lymphocele would present progressive abdominal symptoms such as distention and discomfort. Usually, the patient shall complain of pain which may be accompanied by feelings of nausea or vomiting that would take for about days and even weeks. As distention is present, the patient shall be positive with fluid wave, which primarily indicates for ascites.
  3. When the lungs or chest is involved the patient shall experience respiratory symptoms. There shall be decreased breath sounds when the lungs are involved. This may also indicate for presence of fluid composition that breathing difficulties may come about as the condition progresses.

Lymphocele Diagnosis

There are several tests that help in the diagnosis of the problem. The following tests are involved in lymphocele formation and their significance:
  1. Ultrasound. This is one of the traditional tests for lymphocele.
  2. CT scan. This shall also confirm for the presence of the abnormal formations of lymphocele. Specific CT scans can truly verify for the presence of the fluid that is involved in the development of disease process.
  3. Chest X-ray. This shall also help in the presence of infiltrations of the lungs and as well as presence of effusion.
  4. Lymphoscintigraphy. This is a test that shall confirm for the presence of the yellowish drainage with lymphatic origin.
  5. Measure fat and protein content. The test shall support for development of lymphocele when the presence of chyle is identified. Chyle is fat content that is highly related to the condition. Anemia may occur or accompany such condition. Presence of inflammation can be noted with a complete blood count.

Lymphocele Treatment - How to get rid of lymphocele

The management for lymphocele can be difficult at times. There are certain differences especially when a certain part of the body is affected. This shall also depend on the severity of the condition and also the duration that it has come about. The following are some helpful remedies for lymphocele:
  1. Provide bed rest. This can enhance the client’s wellness and also induce him or her to take care of one’s health. While resting, it is advised that the patient shall elevate the legs, most especially if the causative-procedure involves the pelvic area.
  2. Care of the wound or lesion from the operation that has caused the condition is a must. Infection should be avoided. This can be prevented with the use of intravenous antibiotics.
  3. Diet. There shall be an alteration of one’s diet. The affected shall limit intake of fat, high intake of protein foods.
  4. Respiratory support. When there is involvement of the respiratory system, one may or may need the assistance of thoracostomy.
  5. If the condition is not controlled, it may be necessary to do another operation aimed for the relief of lymphocele. Surgical intervention may indeed be indicated as there shall be ligation of the lymphatic formation.